Tentative Planning

Map of America


I reckon I should crack on and nail down a few details.
First: I go West
Second: I congratulate myself on figuring out a direction.
Thirdly: I stop counting.

I aim to finish my trip at the Worldcon which will be on the 29th of August to the 2nd of September.

There are a few paces I will definitely visit and these are:



Las Vegas

and, of course, San Antonio for the Worldcon.

There are other places that it would be nice to visit. Curt has suggested Abingdon, VA which is tremendously tempting also and Nic reeled off a mighty list of cities with fannish infestations, all of which he felt I should visit. My head is spinning, reeling and making peculiar little Phlup noises as I try to piece it all together.

Any comments or suggestions please feel free to message me using that funky little contact tab in the right hand corner of the page.


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